Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Kamis Ulangan Umum!!!
Tapi dengan dimulainya ulangan ini, menandakan bahwa sebentar lagi libur! Yatta!! Can't wait to go back home to meet my family n friends!!
Akhirnya Rubik's ku selesai untuk yang kedua kalinya!! Yatta!! \(>o<)/
YoyoFactory’s 888x, so what’s new?
Most of you would know by now that the new “Made in China” 888s have been referred to as the 888x, a new generation of the 888 line up since it first surfaced in 2007.
For many who haven’t been following the 888 series as closely as Jayson of the SY Blog does, you might not know this, but the 888s have gone through quite a few physical changes since it first came out.
Today we look at two different 888s most of you might be familiar with, the Classic 888, and the new 888x, and see what physical changes has been made between the two of them!
Same Same.......but Different!
One of the first thing you’ll notice when you put both yo-yos side by side would be that the Classic 888 has a much thicker outer weight rim than the 888x.
The 888x(right) has a thinner outer rim than the Classic 888(left)
The newer 888x has a thinner outer rim, making it easier for thumb grinds as compared to the Classic.
The 888x(right) has a higher inner wall than the Classic 888(left) as seen in the picture
Not only has the outer rim been modified, the inner walls of the 888x has been changed as well. As you can see, the newer 888x has a high inner wall, wheres the Classic 888 has a more rounded profile.
Closer look at the 888x's (right) inner wall
Why the changes? We honestly have no idea, but with every design change, there’s always a reason behind it, so you can rest assured that YoyoFactory had put a lot of thought into it before they switched to a higher inner wall design.
The 888x(right) has a slightly narrower profile than the Classic 888
The newer 888x also has a slightly narrower profile, though it’s so minute a change, you probably wouldn’t know its there until you put it beside the classic.
The Classic 888 comes with a Spec YYF Bearing while the 888x comes with new Central Bearings
When you open up the two yo-yos, you’d realise that the Classic 888 bearings the YYF spec bearing, while the 888x doesn’t. That’s because the new 888x now comes with a high performance bearing from Central Bearings, the same company that brought you the Center Trac Bearing. YoyoFactory has been really proud of this shift to Central Bearings, so be sure that you’re getting high quality bearings still with the new 888x!
The 888x(right) comes with open nubs, unlike the Classic
Lastly, the new 888x does not have closed nubs like the Classic 888. In fact, before the classic, most YoyoFactory metals did not come with closed nubs, so the 888x has reverted back to the original designs of the older metal yo-yos. Of course, this doesn’t change performance, this is purely cosmetic.
Also, with the new 888x comes the new “Made in China” print. As mentioned before, don’t be fooled by the words “Made in China”. Just because they are made there don’t mean that they are of an inferior quality. A lot of good quality products are Made in China, the Warning Line yo-yo for example, even the
So there you have it, a visual comparison between both the Classic 888 and 888x. The Classics will probably be out of production soon, but the 888x is here to stay. If you haven’t gotten one, get yours today!
Source : http://www.spinworkx.com/blog/general/yoyofactorys-888x-so-whats-new/#more-1310